The year 3022 is not a speculation. It is a future made tangible in the here and now. The only
way to come to it is by collectively engaging in a creative act that liberates the energies
held within the Real. Our imagination is a probing mechanism, opening up the potentialities to
be actualized. Instead of asking “what something is?”, we ask “why?”, “how?”, “where?”,
“when?”. Instead of saying “do this” we salute: “yes!”, “amazing!”, “more!”.
3022 is an independent culture platform. Our mission is to empower the self-actualization of
individuals and their communities by creatively emancipating their imaginations of the future.
Our long-term vision is to establish an international incubator network for emerging creators
that operates in the periphery of the technology sector. Free flowing creativity, togetherness
and critical thought are central values that led to solidification of 3022.
selected projects__________________________
Please click on hyperlinks to navigate the document and explore the featured projects in better detail.
Community platforms (p. 2)
Social rituals (p. 11)
Pavilions & events (p. 5)
AI art installations (p. 15)
-----------> Saugus Atstumas (Safe Distance)
------------------> Creative farm, Mackeliškiai, Lithuania, 2020-ongoing
A creative farm that operates under DIY spirit located near Anyksciai, Lithuania. Besides other
multiple events, it hosts queer festival Sapfo and ‘the festival of left ideas’ Kombinatas. The space
is used as: residency, cultural sanatorium, event space, para-academic hub, laboratory and a living
Museum for post-pandemic cultures.
-----------> Garage 27
------------------> Creative community space, Kaunas, Lithuania, 2022-ongoing
3022 is a steward of humble, brick-walled premises - a cultural garage in the former territory of
Lithuanian railways docks. Garazhhh is a collectively run social - music - tech community space. It
hosts experimental, punk, disco nights, and runs DIY workshops and lectures by day.
-----------> Finding Our Names Together
------------------> Residency, Lithuania, 2023 October 1 - January 20
Initially titled “Bridging Rural and Urban”, this residency program operated as a platform for
artists to elaborate their artistic practices through the lens of The New European Bauhaus concept,
living and creating in rural and urban environments. Embracing togetherness through community arts,
beauty through aesthetics of the community, and sustainability through the value chain of their final
products, residents were connecting with local audiences and artists, and transforming both their
individual practices, and territories in which they were working.
5 international residents have participated: Calin George Irimia, Cristiana Fertuzinhos, Gary Markle,
Pritha Kundu, Zan Hoffmann. Through the stay, they have developed numerous artistic outcomes which
were presented in monthly events. The pinnacle of the residency was a New Years festival with music
program in the premises of 3022 which gathered around 200 visitors - Eketė / Ice-hole.
Project was made possible because of the support of Culture Moves Europe and Goethe Institute residency fund.
-----------> INdisTERNET: From Cloud to Matter
------------------> Interdisciplinary arts and education pavilion, 2020
The pavilion investigated the materiality of internet infrastructure and its environmental impact. It consisted of
discussions, video screenings, workshops, philosophical disputes, and provided a new and deeply grounded look at the
Internet. The site appeared in the festival area in the form of a tent, where visitors were able to engage in a
variety of artistic interactions, participate in time-limited cloud materialization workshops, and talk about the
Internet, culture and information at any time. Twice, the INdisTERNET program had climbed onto the local cinema stage
where it curated short film screening sessions.
-----------> on:real
------------------> Online platform and event series, 2021-2022
The project seeks to introduce internet and post-internet art to Lithuanian audiences also
problematizing the proliferation of the internet on a global scale from a philosophical perspective.
Lithuania advertises itself as tech-savvy and gathers immense investment to the tech field, but does
that with naivety and zero awareness of larger implications that this process and products developed
here bring. This project takes internet art as an analytical starting point and expands its discourse
to include sociocultural, geopolitical and economic implications of the internet.
"on:real" consisted of online events, an Instagram account @o.n.real that archives relevant links,
and a constantly updated online portal where you can find experimental texts, a directory of
professionals in the field, and a database of links to online artworks.
-----------> Alun Mabyn
------------------> Interdisciplinary arts and education pavilion, 2021-2022
The pavilion presents interactive art installations, safe social space and a tightly packed schedule of workshops and
seminars on new media, music and spirituality. The practical essence of the pavilion is community engagement and
speculative philosophy on cybernetics, accelerationism and the occult. The participants of the pavilion LARP as
techno-spiritual cult that has the ability to communicate with a singularity-AI entity from the future. The cult
builds the pavilion in order to find the messiah who would help to bring the authoritarian AI regime to life. The
pavilion visitors are engaged in informal discussions on the implications of such a regime. The pavilion takes place
at the largest electronic music festival in Lithuania - YAGA Gathering.
-----------> Prisukamas Abrikosas: Rabbit Hole
------------------> Interdisciplinary creative spaces, 2022
Interdisciplinary creative spaces in the New Year party in the industrial factory “Pergalė”, organized by Lizdas club.
The aim was to create immersive artistic experiences for visitors to find in secret places of the factory. Our
contribution consisted of 3 elements: 1) The Spaceship of the Rabbit - a nomadic playground for social interactions; 2)
Victory 1987 - CCTV room simulation where visitors can dive back to rabbit year 1987 when Lithuanian basketball team won
against Russia; 3) Machine Feelings - two projection-based interactive installations that investigate human-computer
-----------> KAIPP No-Hideout: Ferment of Ideas
------------------> Interdisciplinary creative spaces, 2023
A warehouse that is located on the edge of the Kaunas Aleksotas Innovation Industrial Park (KAIPP) - a territory of
national significance. Inside it - a temporary community center playing with the ideas of business centers. Instead of a
sterile conference hall, there is a wet floor, a cracked ceiling, thick smells and cozy darkness. Instead of costumed
figures - creative people, music and ideas of fermentation and well-being. The purpose of the unhide-out is to test
radically open spaces for community, diversity and creativity, which would act as a model for the city of the future.
During the event intellectual, artistic, playful and gastronomic interactions were presented as a playground for
strangers to explore, exchange ideas and knit the net of community.
---------------> Eketė / Ice-hole
------------------> Arts and music new years festival, 2023
Ice hole is a portal of transformation. It is a shift from calm to active, from stable to dynamic, from bored to
curious, from asleep to awake, from disappearing to creative, from numb to tactile. This event was an immersive New
Years festival with an elaborate artistic program of local and international artists, 2 music stages, and various spaces
for exploration and play. The core artistic program of the event was formulated by artists-in-residence at “Finding Our
Names Together”, generously supported by Culture Moves Europe and Goethe Institute. Event gathered around 200 visitors.
-----------> Street jam sessions
------------------> Kaunas, Lithuania, 2016-ongoing
In the ever-evolving cityscape of Kaunas 3022, street music jams become captivating interventions that
challenge established urban temporal regimes. Embracing contradictions, friction, and protest, these
musical gatherings disrupt the norm, sparking conversations and inspiring reflection. Kaunas 3022
celebrates these transformative street music jams as catalysts for change, embracing their capacity to
break through monotony and foster a culture of creative dissent.
-----------> Rhythm workshops
------------------> Rukla refugee center,Kaunas Artist House 2020-2023
Through Kaunas 3022's rhythm workshops at the Rukla refugee center, Kauno Viltis (daycenter for people
with intelectual disability) and Kaunas Artist House from 2020 to 2023, music becomes a unifying force
that connects people. Regardless of language or culture, participants come together to create rhythmic
harmony, fostering empathy and a sense of belonging. These workshops encourage collaboration,
cooperation, and mutual respect, nurturing an inclusive environment where individuals grow and learn
from one another. The transformative power of music extends beyond the workshops, leaving a lasting
impact on participants and spreading a message of connection and cultural appreciation.
-----------> Entering the Sanatorium
------------------> A greeting ritual, Yaga Gathering, Lithuania, 2022
The Yaga Festival's greeting
ritual in 2022 offered a unique
blend of technology and nature.
Using limbic synchronization
psychotechnology, we altered
participants' perception of
time, creating a serene
atmosphere for connection and
introspection. Through guided
visuals and meditative
techniques, guests experienced
a tranquil state, allowing them
to fully immerse themselves in
the festival's essence. This
fusion of technology and nature
provided a transformative
experience, fostering unity and
harmony in a Yaga’s cyber-solar
-----------> A ceremony of the Beast of Kaunas
------------------> A symbolic ceremony of contract-signing for the closing
event of Kaunas 2022 Cultural Capital of Europe, Kaunas, Lithuania, 2022
This was a joyous celebration where the citizens of Kaunas came together to pledge their commitment to
the well-being of their beloved city. Amidst a lively atmosphere filled with anticipation and unity,
residents gathered to sign a symbolic contract, marking the start of a new year filled with shared
responsibility and collective action. Ceremony consisted of two parts: signing the contract on the wall
of a local underground passage, and being granted a one-of-a-kind artifact from the queen of Kaunas
herself. Only those who have gathered enough stamps by exploring the events in the city were allowed to
-----------> Mirror From The Permafrost
------------------> Interactive AI-based installation, 2021
An empathy-building experiment on the Siberian deportations. The installation scans the visitor’s
face and generates a fictive file, documenting the supposed deportation experiences of the visitor.
The file contains a photo of the visitor as if one was in Siberia, and a text that describes one’s
experiences there. Everything is AI-generated.
-----------> Face - Number - Word
------------------> Interactive AI-based installation, 2022
A pedagogically loaded experiment deconstructing the inner workings of AI and famous Lithuanian
literature from XX c., largely inspired by the notion of “inverse uncanny valley” by B. Bratton. The
installation generates short snippets of prose based on facial features of the visitors and
explicates how the facial recognition and linguistic algorithms abstract the real-world data into
mathematics. The final result is both creepy and mesmerizing: the prose seems to be wonderfully
written, but the processes of seeing and writing within the AI system are unsettlingly alien.
-----------> Naming the Eyes
------------------> Interactive AI-based installation, 2023
An AI-based interactive installation that invites to rethink national identity conceptions. It scans
the iris of the visitor, assigns words to visual characteristics of the iris, and uses them for
writing a haiku that is then composed into a printable alternative identity card. Finally, the
visitor is able to compare his own haiku and the iris with those of other people, establishing
unexpected bridges of commonality.
The installation is part of the permanent exhibition at the Office of President of Republic of
Lithuania, at the Center for Civil Education.