-----------> Finding Our Names Together
------------------> Residency, Lithuania, 2023 October 1 - January 20
Initially titled “Bridging Rural and Urban”, this residency program operated as a platform for
artists to elaborate their artistic practices through the lens of The New European Bauhaus concept,
living and creating in rural and urban environments. Embracing togetherness through community arts,
beauty through aesthetics of the community, and sustainability through the value chain of their final
products, residents were connecting with local audiences and artists, and transforming both their
individual practices, and territories in which they were working.
5 international residents have participated: Calin George Irimia, Cristiana Fertuzinhos, Gary Markle,
Pritha Kundu, Zan Hoffmann. Through the stay, they have developed numerous artistic outcomes which
were presented in monthly events. The pinnacle of the residency was a New Years festival with music
program in the premises of 3022 which gathered around 200 visitors - Eketė / Ice-hole.
Project was made possible because of the support of Culture Moves Europe and Goethe Institute residency fund.