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The year 3022 is not a speculation. It is a future made tangible
in the here and now. The only way to come to it is by collectively
engaging in a creative act that liberates the energies held within
the Real. Our imagination is a probing mechanism, opening up the
potentialities to be actualized. Instead of asking “what something
is?”, we ask “why?”, “how?”, “where?”, “when?”. Instead of saying
“do this” we salute: “yes!”, “amazing!”, “more!”.
3022 is an independent culture platform. Our mission is to empower
the self-actualization of individuals and their communities by
creatively emancipating their imaginations of the future. Our long-
term vision is to establish an international incubator network for
emerging creators that operates in the periphery of the technology
sector. Free flowing creativity, togetherness and critical thought
are central values that led to solidification of 3022.